1U Enclosed LCD Keyboard Drawer

  • Brand: Prism
  • Product Code: TFT/1U
In Stock

£810.00 inc. VAT

1U Enclosed LCD Keyboard Drawer

1U Enclosed LCD Keyboard Drawer

LCD Keyboard Drawer

CyberView RKP115/117/119 inch LCD Screens 1U rack mountable LCD, keyboard and KVM drawers. Using the optional integrated USB or PS/2 KVM allows you to connect to up to 16 servers, in addition to this the KVM drawer can be cascaded ‘or stacked’ with our CV series of KVM switches to enable access to up to 128 servers. Remote or Two consoles KVM can either be, via the World WideWeb using secure IP access or within the building using a secure physical KVM extender connection via a Cat5 cable.

Ideal Protection for:

  • 1U 15”, 17” or 19” TFT LCD Screen
  • Two Keyboard selections “e” and “b” support multiple languages
  • Optional integrated KVM
  • Minimum rack space required

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