Cisco SFP-GE-L Gigabit Interface Converter SFP
Cisco SFP-GE-L Gigabit Interface Converter SFP
Cisco SFP-GE-L Gigabit Interface Converter SFPSFP GE L is Cisco fiber optic transceiver with a max working distance 10km. SFP GE L use dual LC connector interface and the other end of the SFP GE L could fit into accordingly SFP slot or port for linking. SFP GE L is a 1000Base fiber optic transceiver and it offer 1Gbps data transfer rate, size of the SFP GE L is about 0.33” 0.53”*2.22”. SFP GE L typical working wavelength is 1310nm and it is a short wavelength SFP transceiver with DOM.
- Part Number: SFP-GE-L
- Device Type: Cisco SFP
- Package: SFP
- Data Rate: 1.25/1.0625Gbps
- Wavelength: 1310nm
- Distance/Power Budget: 10km
- Optical Components
- LD: FP
- Output Power: -9.5~-3dBm
- Receiver Sensitivity: -20dBm
- Power Supply Voltage: 3.3V
- Connector: Dual LC
- Fiber Type: SMF
- Operating Temperature: -10~80 °C
- DDMI: With
- Application: Gigabit Ethernet