16 Port ST Loaded Singlemode Patch Panel

  • Brand: Excel
  • Product Code: PPST16S
In Stock

£50.40 inc. VAT

16 Port ST Loaded Singlemode Patch Panel

This mounting hardware contains ports that can connect and manage incoming as well as outgoing LAN cables. If you are looking for a compact and durable patch panel this 16 Port ST Loaded Single-Mode Patch Panel is suitable for you.

Our 16 Port ST Loaded Single-Mode Patch Panel features a 1U rack space design and has a sleek, compact design. It has been made from high-quality 2mm thick steel. To finish off this patch panel, black powder-coated paint has been used to give it a sleek and refined appeal.

This loaded Single-Mode can accommodate up to 24 adapters and even has port identification numbers for ease of cable identification. Another feature of this patch panel is that it has a sliding drawer tray design, which is suitable for direct termination of splicing of up to 24 fibres in 1U of rack space.

Included with this patch panel is a management kit as well as an adjustable fixing arm.

For any more information about our 16, Port ST Loaded Single-Mode Patch Panel then do not hesitate to contact a member of our experienced team today. We have a team of dedicated employees that are on hand to offer relevant and knowledgeable advice.

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