Here, you will discover our extensive range of professional-grade Horizontal IEC320 PDUs (power distribution units). As with all of the products available in our online store, these have been manufactured to the highest quality. While maintaining our cost-effective prices, we also strive to bring you a wide selection of choices for your cabling needs. So, no matter whether you're running a complex IT department or organising an office set-up at home, we'll have what you require.

All of these PDUs meet the international standard (IEC 60340) for appliance couplers. They are specifically designed for the 19" electronic enclosures department and come in a variety of configurations. We have compact 6 Way Horizontal PDUs with 3m leads for smaller offices or residential use through to 16 Way options for more complex setups. All of these units have a robust aluminium housing with an illuminated and fully-shrouded switch. The input leads are terminated with BS1363 plugs and fused at 13A as standard. We also offer a variety of plug options as well as designs that are free-standing, wall-box, and wall-bracket compatible too. You'll also find mixed horizontal IEC PDU designs for professional-grade power distribution in commercial environments.

The team at Adept Networks continually works hard to bring you the best cabling and networking equipment all in one place. Our PDUs are some of the most popular options within our range, giving you the ability to work with numerous machines in one go. If you have any questions or cannot find what you're looking for, please do get in contact here today.

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